بالصور..وصول 30 كاسحة ألغام أميركية من نوع MaxxPro إلى التاجي




ازاميل/ خاص:
استلمت القوات الامنيه العراقيه 30 عربه MRAP نوع Maxx Pro المقاومه للالغام مع حادلات لكسح الالغام في معسكر التاجي يوم 13 يوليو 2015
Iraqi security forces receive a shipment of 30 MaxxPro mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles with mine-roller attachments at Camp Taji, Iraq, July 13, 2015. The MRAPs are part of the Iraq Train and Equip Fund meant to assist in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The 310th Advise and Assist Team, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) and the 1st Theater Sustainment Command supervised the delivery of the vehicles in support of Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve

الصور في معسكر التاجي شمال بغداد 


30 عربه MRAP نوع Maxx Pro
30 عربه MRAP نوع Maxx Pro
30 عربه MRAP نوع Maxx Pro
30 عربه MRAP نوع Maxx Pro


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